Saturday, August 2, 2008

our (not-so) green thumbs

We saved the area in our back yard just in front of the lemon tree for herbs and other stuff that we try to grow. This year, we were surprised by a random sunflower plant that we didn't plan for. We thought it was a weed or something, but it looked different from the other weeds, so we decided to let it grow. It has produced two stalks with two heads, and the bees are pollinating it for us now. It would be awesome to roast our own sunflower seeds this summer. It doesn't look like our tomato plant will do very well, but the sunflowers sure are pretty to look at out our living room window.

Also, nearly 5 years ago, I planted a Fuyu persimmon tree in our front side yard for Jenetta's birthday. It really has never done much. The first year, it had 10 or so persimmons, but they all fell off before they got even close to full size. The years since then haven't brought us any. We've had to go to a local farm to get them in November. But a few weeks ago, we checked it and there was a solitary persimmon on the tree! We've been examining it regularly and speaking to it kindly. In another 3 months, it should be ready to eat. I actually don't care too much for persimmons. To me they taste kind of like uncooked corn mixed with apples, but Jenetta loves them. She cuts them up in small pieces and munches on them while the dog begs to get some. They are definitely Miranda's favorite fruit, too.

I guess it is kind of nerdy to get excited about a gift sunflower and a single persimmon, but we live in the suburbs, and we dream of having lots of land with fruit trees and huge vegetable garden - probably not a reality for us in Southern California, but it is fun to dream.


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