Friday, April 24, 2009

My parents, my sister, and cousin Priya!

Last weekend, we had a full house! Jessica and her daughter Priya came down with my parents for a visit. The girls loved meeting their cousin, Auntie, and another set of grandparents! It's confusing for us and we wonder how they handle having ten (2 still to meet) people that you call grandpa or grandma, but it doesn't seem to faze them at all. We had been told over and over that adopted kids can never have too many adults to love on them, and we are seeing that to be true.

It was a lot of fun for us, and it was so nice to see family, but we breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday when things got back to normal. I guess we are all still in our adjustment period, and it will take us a while before we are ready to receive guests again :) Jenetta and I were talking about it afterward and the thing that was most challenging for us that we never felt like we had any down time. Things happened with the schedule for a variety of reason so that it didn't really work out for us to leave the girls with the grandparents, and when the girls were asleep, we were always visiting with family. Next time we will definitely take some time for ourselves!

Oh, and for the last pictures, we went with our friends from our home group to hang out at a pool since it was almost 100 degrees!!! The pool was chilly, but it felt good to cool off. Both O and L braved it enough to go down the slide at the deep end of the pool. I caught them and helped them swim back - it was so much fun!!!

Yesterday, O asked when Priya would visit again. :) Skype will have to do until July! :)


Jess April 25, 2009 at 1:52 PM  

Thanks for letting us invade your home! It was wonderful to meet the girls and both Priya and I are missing them! Today Priya ran up a girl that looked like O from behind and yelled her name in the cute way that she says it. This summer will be crazy but lots of fun! :)

Cynthia April 25, 2009 at 7:55 PM  

I'm tired just looking at the pics! Glad that the girls have so many people to love them and you guys have so much support. What a great family we have!

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