Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Concert at Heritage

A few evenings ago, we enjoyed the spring concert at Ohana's school. It was on a rare day where the temperatures reached the upper 90s. So the crowded gym was uncomfortably hot - especially for parents who had to arrive an hour early for practice.

Since the kindergarteners were only involved in a few songs at the beginning and again at the end, we went outside to cool off and play with Lynn. We know that we will be sitting through many, many more of these types of events! :)

We are very grateful for this school. It has provided exactly the kind of structure and discipline that Ohana needs, and it has been great to witness her development because of it.

One of the songs was a song we used to sing with my family when I was growing up :)

Ohana is not hard to spot...


Cynthia May 17, 2011 at 10:50 AM  

Thanks for reminding me of that "have patience" song! It brought a tear to my eye remembering it and I will sing it to my boys...better yet she can teach it to them next week! Yeah!!!!!!

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